Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Computer Skills Needed for Successful Transitions

Fresh on the heels of the ABE Transitions conference, here is further confirmation of the need our adult learners have for computer skills training. In this news report from Minnesota Public Radio about a new program called "Free Geek" (which aims to address the "digital divide" in the Twin Cities) an adult learner at MCTC plans to participate in the program because:

Going back to college has been a big adjustment, especially when it comes to technology. His professors require assignments to be submitted online...

"It's kind of embarrassing to be the oldest student in class and to be the most challenged and then to have to hand in the paper hard copy. They just look at me and think I'm a grandpa," he says.

As adult educators, I think we have a real opportunity to improve the success rate of older adult college students by strengthening their technology skills before they get to this point of feeling stigmatized.

What are you doing in your program to help adult learners succeed on campus? I'd love to hear your success stories!